Post by Killer Goldfish on Jun 1, 2022 20:04:09 GMT -5
Post by Dr. Kobb on Jun 3, 2022 15:21:15 GMT -5
Post by Killer Goldfish on Jun 3, 2022 21:41:21 GMT -5
Post by Killer Goldfish on Jun 6, 2022 20:16:58 GMT -5
Post by Killer Goldfish on Jun 6, 2022 21:25:11 GMT -5
Post by Killer Goldfish on Jun 7, 2022 8:35:40 GMT -5
Post by Deeky on Jun 7, 2022 19:35:16 GMT -5
Post by Marxo Grouch on Jun 8, 2022 5:01:47 GMT -5
Those people are going to awfully drastic lengths to avoid simply admitting that they want to watch someone fuck.
In all seriousness, I'd have more respect for them if they did just want to watch them fuck.
Post by Lemmy Caution on Jun 8, 2022 14:38:03 GMT -5
Let's see here now...
| Fucking in public
| Fucking on church altar
| Praying to Jesus
| Christianity | Wrong | Wrong | Right or wrong-- doing it while fucking is a denominational thing
| Satanism | Sure, why not?
| Sure, standard Black Mass protocol applies, however
| Wrong | Thelema | Sure, why not?
| Sure, if it's listed as part of the Sex Magick ritual
| Wrong, unless you believe in watered down New Age Thelema
| Judaism
| Wrong
| It's not a synagogue, but see "Fucking in public" --don't be a shmendrick.
| Wrong
| Islam
| Wrong
| Wrong
| Wrong
| Pastafarianism
| If you get off on that kind of thing, yeah.
| Why would you? That stone is cold, man...
| Only if Jesus also has noodly appendages and is touching you with one or more of them
| Subgenius
| It's Connie-approved!
| Wrong. Good way to get arrested by pinks with no sense of humor
| Jesus already left for Planet X
| Republican
| Don't do it in public, just brag to all your friends about it (if you're a straight, cisgender male)
| Absolutely wrong (unless your pastor tells you to)
| Mandatory --especially if you stealthed the condom
| Democrat
| You got affirmative consent, right? Wrong anyway, because it might hurt someone's feelings.
| Wrong, because it might hurt someone's feelings.
| Hey! We're not all atheists, Goddammit! That hurt my feelings...
| Marxist
| Wrong, you decadent counter-revolutionary bourgeois pig
| Wrong, because we have eliminated all such monuments to feudal and bourgeois superstition
| Comrade, the Democratic People's Constabulary must ask you a few questions now
| Discordian
| Right/Wrong/???/Whatever
| Right/Wrong/???/Whatever
| Right/Wrong/???/Whatever
| Pagan
| It's part of the ceremony
| Wrong --sacred grove please. Otherwise when we sacrifice you afterwards it won't count.
| Who?
And that's all I got, at least until the Matrix reboots.
Post by Killer Goldfish on Jun 9, 2022 8:06:54 GMT -5
Who would Jesus shoot in the head?
Post by Lemmy Caution on Jun 9, 2022 15:57:06 GMT -5
Who would Jesus shoot in the head? https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/v8eqjk/christian_preacher_says_that_all_gay_people/ I really think people who wear poly-blend and people who eat crustaceans should be a higher priority, don't you? Oh, and men who refuse to fuck their brothers' widows...gotta kill all them first too.
Post by Killer Goldfish on Jun 9, 2022 19:30:05 GMT -5
Who would Jesus shoot in the head? https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/v8eqjk/christian_preacher_says_that_all_gay_people/ I really think people who wear poly-blend and people who eat crustaceans should be a higher priority, don't you? Oh, and men who refuse to fuck their brothers' widows...gotta kill all them first too. Priorities are priorities, after all.
Post by Killer Goldfish on Jun 10, 2022 21:49:28 GMT -5
Post by Dr. Kobb on Jun 11, 2022 23:48:39 GMT -5
Post by Dr. Kobb on Jun 11, 2022 23:50:47 GMT -5
Post by Dr. Kobb on Jun 12, 2022 11:30:21 GMT -5
You know that happy/crazy look insane people have? Well, a customer with that exact look in his eyes was explaining to me how Mike Pence is going to win the next Presidential election and then re-election (with Marco Rubio as his Vice Prez) before the "country goes back down again" (as he put it) because of a dream he had.
Post by Killer Goldfish on Jun 13, 2022 22:26:32 GMT -5
Looks like a great party! https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/vbrqxh/looks_like_a_party/
Post by Killer Goldfish on Jun 18, 2022 6:55:56 GMT -5
Post by Lemmy Caution on Jun 19, 2022 21:48:48 GMT -5
From Nick Cave's Red Hand Files:
What are your thoughts on free speech? Do you think it is a right? LORRAINE, BERLIN, GERMANY
For fuck's sake, enough of the God and Jesus bullshit! JASON, LONDON, UK
Dear Lorraine and Jason,
We humans are subtle and chaotic creatures, full of ambiguities and contradictions, and it is this that makes up our distinctiveness. We are fully and necessarily different from each other, and even though we have the entirely human tendency to reduce each other to generalisations based on arbitrary categorisations of identity, such as race or religion or gender, we must resist as best we can, for it is uncharitable at best to deny any human their rightful individual sovereignty, their specialness. It is our distinctiveness that is the very thing that should be prized.
Each of us is an amalgam of all we have loved and lost and learned, our personal successes and failures, our particular regrets, and our singular joys – and part of that uniqueness is that we think in different ways. Not all of our thinking is right or fully formed, far from it, but there it is, regardless – that flawed and terrifying uniqueness of thought. So, it is little wonder that people adopt and signal a kind of protective groupthink, because our own true thoughts, at their most interesting, can be terrifying. In fact, humans are mostly distinct individuals thinking terrifying things.
I’m not so sure free speech is a right, but it is certainly a societal or cultural attainment, something we, as a community, can use to enliven, embolden and liberate the soul of our world, provided we are fortunate enough to live in a society that allows such a thing. To be able to speak freely is not only a benefit to oneself, by making us feel less alone, it is also a barometer of the health of our society, just as intolerance to opposing ideas indicates a feebleness or lack of confidence in one’s own thoughts and the ideas of our society. I support free speech, not so much because I think it is a right, but rather because it goes some way to validate our specialness. I am genuinely concerned by its alternative, the fearful flattening of ideas through the suppression of our individual natures, something that has become all too evident in almost every institution I can think of.
As so to Jesus, dear Jason. Jesus roamed the land expressing what were, at the time, considered dangerous and heretical ideas. He was literally the embodiment of the terrifying idea. He was followed around by a nervous coterie of muttering scribes and Pharisees whose purpose was to catch him out – expose not just His dangerous ideas, but to lay bare and persecute his uniqueness. They, of course, succeeded and Christ was cancelled upon the Cross. These impossible, dangerous ideas – to love your enemy, to love the poor, to forgive others – were terrifying and unconscionable and forbidden in His day, but became, in time, the better ideas that underpin the society in which many of us are lucky enough to live today. It is worth remembering that. I think we must be careful around our assumptions of what ideas we think are right and what ideas we think are wrong, and what we do with those ideas, because it is the terrifying idea – the shocking, offending, unique idea – that may just save the world.
Love, Nick
Post by Killer Goldfish on Jun 25, 2022 16:25:41 GMT -5